Virgil Watkins, Jr.
County Commissioner, Macon-Bibb County, Board of Commission, Macon-Bibb County, GA
Virgil Watkins serves as a District Representative on the Macon-Bibb County Commission. Since becoming a Commissioner, Mr. Watkins has served as Executive Board Member of the Workforce Investment Board, a Board Member for the Regional Youth Detention Center, and Member of the Convention & Visitors Bureau. Currently, Mr. Watkins is the Chairman of the Operations & Finance Committee on the Macon-Bibb County Commission. Prior to being elected, Mr. Watkins worked for the Service Employees International Union (SEIU) as a political organizer, served as Democratic representative on the Bibb County Board of Elections, and a Mayoral appointee to the Macon Transit Authority. Mr. Watkins holds a Bachelor’s degree in Political Science from Georgia Southern University and a masters in Business Management from Wesleyan College.
An Equity Resolution in Macon-Bibb County, Georgia
County Commissioner Virgil Watkins, Jr., of the Macon-Bibb County Board of Commissioners persuades his county to track and address inequity
Virgil Watkins, Jr. is a county commissioner in Macon-Bibb County, Georgia. He became an E Pluribus Unum Fellow to solve a problem his county shared with the country at large: they faced significant racial disparities, but struggled to discuss race at all.
“We noticed 60% of the Black people in Macon were experiencing poverty, versus 8% of the white community due to redlining,” he explains. “But we were just talking about geographies. We’d avoid race.”
Watkins wanted his local government to not only talk about racial inequity in Macon, but to end it. Through the E Pluribus Unum fellowship, Watkins joined other elected leaders for training and education around racial equity. He became interested in “equity resolutions,” through which governments pledge to address inequities in their communities.