Donna Brazile
Veteran Political Strategist, Adjunct Professor, Author and Syndicated Columnist

Michelle Ebanks
Member, Board of Directors, The Atlantic
Member, Board of Directors, Essence Communications Inc.

Henry Louis Gates, Jr.
Hutchins Center for African & African American Research, Harvard University

Fred J. Luter Jr.
Pastor, Franklin Avenue Baptist Church, Former President, Southern Baptist Convention
Honorary National Advisory Council Members
Congressman Lewis was a guiding light for our nation. His life and words were a constant and steady reminder of how far we have come as a nation but also how far we have to go. His constant pursuit of liberty and justice for all, whatever the odds, whatever the risks, was uniquely American.
Over his lifetime, Rep. Lewis put himself on the front lines, many times risking his life in the fight to recognize the humanity and dignity of all people, including the right to vote–our most basic and sacred right in this democracy.
We were honored to have had Congressman Lewis on our National Advisory Council. Our march towards racial justice, our pursuit of the common good is in his name. In his honor, we must build a real bridge to the future that we can walk across together. We can’t let anybody turn us around.

The Honorable John Lewis
United States Representative (GA-5)
Often called “one of the most courageous persons the Civil Rights Movement ever produced,” John Lewis dedicated his life to protecting human rights, securing civil liberties, and building what he called “The Beloved Community” in America.