We are moving through the Action Series, posing the question: knowing what we know, how do we move forward to build stronger, more equitable communities for all of us?

Join us for our fourth conversation in the Action Series where our panelists will discuss how to advance economic equity.




Economic Equity

Thursday, October 8, 2020 
2:30 pm ET/1:30 pm CT

Now that we’ve taken a historical look at the numerous institutions that have actively created systems that disenfranchise Black people in the U.S., we will explore how we can restore the ability of Black communities to build generational wealth. What steps can we take to ensure Black communities are not being left behind? Our panelists will discuss how we can develop innovative solutions to close the racial wealth gap and the importance of investing in Black communities and businesses. As we learned, upwards of $14 trillion was made in free labor off of Black people in America. Not one single policy or incentive will correct this wealth that other Americans inherited. We must redesign our systems to work for all of us.



Fern Mandelbaum

Managing Director, Emerson Collective  

Lecturer in Management, Stanford Graduate School of Business 

Read Fern’s Bio


Bill Bynum

Chief Executive Officer, Hope Credit Union

Read Bill’s Bio


Maria Colacurcio

Chief Executive Officer, Syndio Solutions

Read Maria’s Bio


Garnesha Ezediaro

Program Lead for the Greenwood Initiative, Bloomberg Philanthropies

Read Garnesha’s Bio


Earlier in 2020, E Pluribus Unum launched Truth. Action. Reconciliation., a series of conversations that bring together some of our country’s great thinkers, activists, and leaders on race and equity. The focus of the series is truth, action and reconciliation–ultimately, putting forward a vision for essential systemic reforms to shape long-term change, with the value of racial and economic equity at its core. 

In July, we started with the Truth Series, reviewing the past and exploring how we got where we are on criminal justice, health equity, economic opportunity, and democracy.