2020 Policy Tracker: Opportunity
Environmental Equity

Joe Biden
Joe Biden addresses environmental equity in his “Plan for a Clean Energy Revolution and Environmental Justice”. It will:
“Stand up to the abuse of power by polluters who disproportionately harm communities of color and low-income communities.”
“Reinstate federal protections, rolled back by the Trump Administration, that were designed to protect communities.”
“Make it a priority for all agencies to engage in community-driven approaches to develop solutions for environmental injustices affecting communities of color, low-income, and indigenous communities.”
“Ensure the Environmental Protection Agency brought cases against the worst corporate polluters.”
Understand that “resiliency investments can raise property values and push lower-income families out of their neighborhoods. Climate change mitigation efforts must consciously protect low-income communities from “green gentrification.”
Additionally, In his “Build Back Better” plan, Biden will:
“Set a goal that disadvantaged communities receive 40% of overall benefits of spending in the areas of clean energy and energy efficiency deployment; clean, accessible transit and transportation; affordable and sustainable housing; training and workforce development; remediation and reduction of legacy pollution; and development of critical clean water infrastructure.”
“Ensure clean, safe drinking water and water infrastructure is a right in all communities – rural to urban to tribal lands, rich and poor.”
“Clean up and redeveloping abandoned and underused Brownfield properties, old power plants and industrial facilities, landfills, abandoned mines, and other idle community assets.”

Donald Trump
Donald Trump’s campaign platform does not address environmental equity.