Accelerating Change to Create Equal Access to Opportunity

Leaders are in need of not only ideas, but data and research to support those ideas. They want to know the “how” behind an idea – Does this idea have any chance of success? Where does a community start? Has this been done before? Who do we need to partner with? That’s why we’re working to accelerate change to create equal access to opportunity, justice, and democracy at the local, state, and federal levels.

EPU works in collaboration with partners at the federal, state, and local levels on a range of issues critical to advancing opportunity and shared prosperity for all in the American South and beyond. We identify areas in which we can marry our resources and capacities to communities’ needs. While we know promoting equality through policy change is an uphill battle in our current political climate, the goal of our work is to elevate and support common-sense policy solutions for sustainable success in communities across the South and beyond, and we’re making progress.

EPU Legislative Updates

Senior Policy Advisors