Since our founding in 2018, E Pluribus Unum has recognized multiple community efforts happening across the South that are working towards racial healing and reconciliation. An example of this are community efforts in Richmond, VA, where EPU has found multiple organizations focused on this work, including St. Paul’s Episcopal Church.

Between 2015 and 2022, St. Paul’s Episcopal Church (consecrated 1845, Richmond, Va.) undertook a multi-year History and Reconciliation Initiative (HRI). Its HRI identified the roles race, slavery, and segregation played in the history of the church and their ongoing legacies today. It also advised changes the church could make to begin to repair. As a result, St. Paul’s experienced a physical and spiritual transformation and has begun the work to transform its reputation and relationship with the community.

Starting in 2022, EPU has worked with St. Paul’s Episcopal Church, to document, capture, and create tools specific to their unique journeys and work around inclusion and equity, including the following short documentary.

Along with St. Paul’s Episcopal Church, EPU works with multiple other local organizations in the city of Richmond as a part of this work around racial healing and through our Unum Alliance program:

  • The Ida B. Robinson Institute works with local churches and community members to highlight the accomplishments of Black Richmond historical figures.
  • The One Day, One Step Initiative brings together community members for a day of repentance around the Confederate memorials that once stood prominently along the city’s Monument Avenue.
  • The leadership of Richmond’s First Baptist Church uses biblical principles to teach about equity and create a welcoming environment for all who wish to join the congregation.

Learn more about the Unum Alliance HERE.

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